So what can you know about me? Everything else I guess. I am a vampire! Want proof? I'm allergic to garlic. I don't go out in the sun. I'm not allowed in churches. I can't see myself in the mirror! And I need to be invited anywhere in order to go. So there's your proof. I also really love pokémon. If you couldn't tell by my kin page, I'm a princess. Some would even call it having a Beautiful Princess Disorder, or as my therapist might call it, BPD. Yes, that does mean what you think it does. I will kill you. I tend to live in various dreamscapes and nightmares. My manifestation on this Earth is to do something! What that is, I have no idea. Still kinda figuring stuff out. My favorite bands are and . I really love Tamagotchis, they are my oldest and most trusted friends. Back to my kin list, you may be asking why I have that? Well, the truth is all of those characters make up the very essence of who I am. If you threw all of them in a blender, swirled up their guts, and poured it out into some weird creature, this is exactly what you'd get. Every single character on that list is a part of me, my personality, my hopes, my dreams, my desires. But you're not on that page! You're on this page! I know you're dying to know more, but there's only so much I can fit on this page! (yeah, I could probably fit a lot more. Shut up.) I'll leave you with a couple more links to check out down below.